This week, we examine school boards and varying procedures in approving taxpayer-funded staff travel outside of Arizona.
People across many professions turn to additional education to keep their skills fresh and current. Industry-specific conferences provide workers the in-person and one-on-one opportunities to gain meaningful insight building their level of confidence and performance in the workplace. The networking alone can be invaluable and help motivated employees connect with leaders in their fields.
Education professionals are no exception.
For example, a business called ‘youcubed®’ hosts a professional development Mathematics Leadership Summit this week at the Stanford Graduate School of Education. We understand teachers from Arizona are at the conference and will be able to bring back priceless knowledge to their districts and students.
Here’s a look at what the educators will learn.
It’s good for teachers to have this additional academic training to help their students achieve successful outcomes.
What we are questioning in our investigations is the great deal of travel at the taxpayers’ expense for which school districts approve through consent agendas.
You see, I’ve started to pay closer attention to consent agendas across local cities and school districts. A ”consent agenda” is a tool where “non-controversial” items are placed on an agenda to streamline a meeting. While the goal is to approve mundane items quickly and move on, it’s also a place where I’ve found ‘not-so non-controversial’ items squeak by.
Here is an example of a parent in the Peoria Unified School District respectfully requesting the board pull an item off the consent agenda for public discussion.
In a review of several West Valley school districts, out-of-state travel requests are placed on consent agendas within the governing board meeting agendas. Most of the requests are student clubs and teams wanting to take field trips to national conventions and competitions. Students and most teachers/coaches usually do their own fund raising to get there.
While some travel is covered by a variety of grants, we’ve found, typically, out-of-state travel for admin and governing board members are covered by “M&O” funds paid by taxpayers. Not all of the time. But some of the time.
In the Peoria Unified School District, we found staff travel has come under higher scrutiny. Governing board member Heather Rooks explains why she does not support the district paying for staff to attend conferences outside of a foci on academics.
In our review of Peoria USD meeting agendas this school year, staff travel requests have been pulled from consent agendas on these dates:
January 11, 2024
December 14, 2023
October 26, 2023
October 12, 2023
September 14, 2023
August 10, 2023
Here’s a longer look at PUSD’s August 10, 2023 meeting in which a school board member pulls staff travel from the consent agenda for open discussion. The measure passed on a 3-2 vote.
We have found instances in which travel is covered by funding other than M&O monies. You can find all of these by viewing “Staff Travel” requests in your school district’s governing board agendas.
Before your school district’s next board meeting, easily check out upcoming travel requests through the meeting agenda. Then click into the document for further detail.
In the Peoria Unified School District, staff travel requests detail the strategic area benefited by the travel. This graphic also shows the variety of funds used for covering expenses.
Here, the Buckeye Union High School District shows student/club travel paid for using CTE funds, grants, and a donation.
Below, this is how staff travel requests appear when you look at a school district agenda. Usually, the item falls under the “consent agenda”. Board members can request an item be pulled from a consent agenda for its own discussion.
You, too, can attend a meeting and request an item be pulled from a consent agenda for discussion. Check with your school district on speaker permissions. You should arrive early, fill out a speaker card, and be prepared to deliver your remarks in under three minutes.
Many of my readers caught my last Substack where I reported the Agua Fria Union High School District Governing Board approved picking up the tab for 4 of their own governing board members plus 9 staff from its District Office to fly out to the National School Boards Association [NSBA] Conference in New Orleans this spring. The approval came just after the board voted to cut ties with the Arizona School Boards Association - which is an affiliate of the NSBA.
The NSBA conference is in April. The district’s membership with the ASBA severs end of June.
I feel it’s a fair question to ask why 13 people are going to the conference if that organization will not be its services provider moving forward.
Since that story, concerned members of the community - even those who say they are pro-schools - have reached out to me privately about the dozens of staff traveling to one location, out-of-state, and on the taxpayers’ dime. I have asked the district for comment about that travel, as well.
I do appreciate input from those who have voiced concerns about my coverage of taxpayer money being used to fund school staff travel. Being transparent, here’s one comment…
I went to Illinois this past fall and it was amazing to see all the great things a leading high school does. We got so many ideas to help our schools grow. I’m actually presenting what we learned to our staff next month. Please be mindful of how things are worded because it is making it seem as though these trips are wasted funds with no academic purpose. I’ve been a teacher for 24 years at several districts and our district (AFUHSD) does all its can to empower its staff and help them grow. Please stop leading readers on into thinking their funds are wasted. This is why we struggle to get support as educators. Instead why not report on what all these trips will do to help students be better prepared for our world! I appreciate you trying to inform parents but would appreciate if it was done from a more positive manner.
Most important, thank you for the comment. I do read them all.
While my Substack is a place for me to express my opinions, I do believe I’ve gone above and beyond to get the “positive” side of this story.
For those who feel my reporting is one-sided, I do have a comment.
I have contacted the Agua Fria Union High School District on multiple occasions by email and phone. District admin and board members have failed to answer my questions. January 10th and 11th, I filed multiple records requests to get answers. I have been waiting since December 7, 2023 for responses to calls and emails. I’ve offered in-person interviews, as well. In fact, I’ve graciously extended deadlines several times to staff and board members to accommodate the district in providing a response. Now I’m told only legal counsel will respond… and after my requests are ready, (15-20 days to process).
I have asked all the questions, and have no answers.
Attending conferences have many benefits. Once Arizona Schools Reports Cards were released, I reported Agua Fria and Buckeye Union both having A-rated schools. In fact, BUHSD had TWO schools who moved from B’s to A’s!
Throughout my career, I’ve presented at and attend a couple of conferences. Whether I paid my own way or traveled with a sponsoring group, I returned with greater knowledge from break-out seminars at those conferences.
I am not anti-conference. I am questioning the use of taxpayer dollars being used to send 13 people to one conference.
As voters, we’re hounded every two years to ‘vote for the kids’. Support the teachers! Improve school safety! I never really thought about the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on staff travel… because I didn’t know it was happening.